Thursday, January 12, 2012

My Reflections before My Resolutions (God has been faithful and kind)

On January 12, 2012 before 12 am, I reflect on the 12 Most Memorable Moments from 2011— (there more than 12 but these are the 13 I think of first, plus who’s counting?)

·      My daughter giving her life to Christ March 2nd (she asked, “Daddy can Jesus come into my heart?” and we prayed for that in our kitchen…Man that was awesome!)

·      Christmas shopping with my son in the mall.  He tried to help me find a gift for his mom/my wife. :-)

·      Thanksgiving Day (Hadiza cooked an awesome dinner! And we played football outside

·      Being a part of the MisFits Tour when it came to DC (Ambassador, Mali Music, Da Truth, and Sean Simmons)

·      Flavafest in Florida (ministering in concert and in community)—shout out to crossover church, pastor tommy, tre9, dae lee, edaniel, brinson, lampmode peoples, reflection music group, and my UK brothers

·      The tragedy on campus at Bowie State and remembering how hard it can be to walk through grief with others

·      My wife starting a blog (special thanks to Jake and Caren Owens) please check it out 

·      The EK Bailey Preaching Conference in TX had moments when light bulbs came on in my head, heart and soul and my solitude retreat at the Abbey of the Cross in Berryville, Va reminded me of those lights

·      My minor car accident this summer (special thanks to Mitch who followed me through South East DC while everyone we passed by yelled, “Hey mister your back door is open!!”)—Though I was slightly injured I escaped with very little injury and God used the accident to help me, because the insurance had to total the car out and the money came at the right time.

·      Walking and praying around my neighborhood for several days trying to make hard decisions and getting comfort from God’s word and wise counsel.  I’m forever grateful for my pastor Rev. Terry Streeter, Marvin Campbell, Rich Berry, Hadiza Murray, Chris Caligiuri, Pastor Ralph Richardson, and my dad Rev. Robert Murray for their loving guidance and listening ears.

·      Visiting my ailing “grandmother” and one of my closest friends after the loss of his brother on New Year’s Eve.

·      A funding lunch where I was completely surprised by a dear brother’s contribution to the ministry.

·      Doing my first baptism and my first funeral, eulogy and committal.  They were both memorable because the baptism involved one of my friend’s son and the funeral was for another friend’s dad.  Special shout out to Rev. Emmett S. Young III for his much needed help and experience during the funeral.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

My friend Sarah

I became friend with a homeless lady at a local town center. Every time I go there, I see her, I stop, we chat.

But I met Sarah a year ago around this same time (because that is really the only time that I shop like that) but anyway on that day, I walked by this woman sitting outside of Barnes and Noble and went inside, I gave her a glimpse, when our eyes crossed, the Lord used it to nudge me to talk to her. But when I came out I convincing myself that it wasn't the Lord's nudge. I gave all the excuses you can imagine. So I walked by Sarah again and didn't say a thing. When I got in the car, now the nudge got a little louder, then I was like "alright Lord, I will go offer her this coupon maybe she needs to go in and shop" I went and offered Sarah a coupon. She looked at me and laughed nervously and said: "I don't shop."

As we talked, I found out that she has been homeless for the past two years. But listen to this, this woman is a sister in Christ. I found that out when she got so happy at my poor attempt to share the gospel with her. She reads her Bible everyday sitting right there in front of the store.

I visited Sarah every time I was in that area, gave her gifts and asked her to let me know if she needs anything... but tomorrow, i want to do something different. I want to hear all of Sarah's story. I want to sit right next to her and go deeper. Why is she homeless? Does she have a family?

Please pray for me and pray that there is a way to help Sarah as I am planning on connecting her with our church. I will let you know how it goes.

BSU Navs~ Christmas Brunch for the Ladies

On December 3rd, a few girls from Bowie State University Navs came over for a brunch, fellowship and   a workshop on ministering to life's deeper issues (Core Lies). We had so much fun!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Navigator National Staff Conference

Hadiza, the kids and I had a blast at this year's Navigator Staff Conference! What a blessing, 1400 laborers from around the world gathered in Louisville, Kentucky for a week of encouragement, worship, workshops and praise. To God be the glory! It was truly a time of refreshing as we met with old and new friends.

I was also thrilled to be able to share my talents and the stage with DJ Real and some other exceptional performers at Sunday morning's praise and worship. Remixing Amazing Grace with the flavor of Gospel, Native American worship and Christian rap not only blessed me, but so many others. I am still waiting for the video of this incredible time to come out, but in the mean time check out this mini clip of our time in Kentucky.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Gift of Prayer

"Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart."  __Colossians 4:2

This week our study on campus was about the "Assurance of Answered prayer" and I encouraged the girls to take to God whatever is on their hearts. He wants us to ask of Him, He hears and answers our prayers. So I too am going to do just that tonight. I am going to lay before my Father's feet my heart's request: 
" Father, you are great and mighty. You are the King of kings an the Lord of lords. If I have unconfessed sin in my heart, Lord you will not answer me, so Jesus, please forgive me, cleanse me and I will be clean. I am grateful for your blood that you've shed so I could be forgiven and not condemned. Master, here is what's on my heart, I want to lift up my brother who is being deployed to Afghanistan. Would you please keep him and bring him back healthy and unharmed. Protect him from emotional and mental harm as well. I pray for him even now as he prepares to go. Please keep him in perfect peace. Please draw his heart back to you. Please keep his family. Oh Lord, we trust in you for my brother and we thank you because you love him more than we do.

"Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all He has done."
 ___Philippians 4:6

Thursday, September 22, 2011

All My Children

Now that you know a little bit about my kids from my last blog, I would like to introduce you to my spiritual children...
The Lord has allowed me to meet and disciple four young ladies on Bowie State University campus. I meet with them weekly for Bible studies and I am overjoyed to see them excited to get in the Word. What a blessing! Pray for me that I would continue to walk excitingly with my God, because unless I nurture myself spiritually, I would have no meaningful spiritual influence on them.
Please pray also for these beautiful women that as they grow spiritually they would in turn give of themselves to help their friends walk with Jesus. Even as I say that, I think of a quote found in A Mother's Heart, by Jean Fleming.
"We give of ourselves when we give gifts of the heart--Love, kindness, joy, understanding, sympathy, tolerance, forgiveness....We give of ourselves when we give the gifts of words--encouragement, inspiration, guidance."
Wilfred A Peterson,  "The Art of Giving" 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

A prayer I found in an old journal that describes what's on my heart tonight...

"God of faithfulness, help me to be steadfast in my commitments to these two children you have entrusted me. Help me persist in raising them to be people who will reflect your glory through ordinary days and extraordinary challenges. Please give me the gift of quiet persistence. Help me not be overwhelmed by the demands on my time, talents, and patience. Help me keep all things in proper perspective as my children and I travel together on this path of growth and development. I know my Lord, with your help, all of this is possible."
Linda Ann Olson

"Then I will always sing praises to your name as I fulfill my vows day after day."  ____Psalm 61:8